
  • Release date : Jul 9 2013 - 15:36
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Signing the Collaboration Memorandum between SBMU Organ Transplantation Institute and Donation & Transplantation Institute, FUNDACIÓ PRIVADA


Following the negotiations between SBMU Organ Transplantation Institute and Donation & Transplantation Institute, FUNDACIÓ PRIVADA from Spain, a collaboration memorandum was signed on June, 23, 2013. Professor Hassan Abolgasemi, the SBMU Chancellor, on behalf of the SBMU, and Professor Marti Manyalich, on behalf of the Spanish Donation & Transplantation Institute, FUNDACIÓ PRIVADA, signed the memorandum. The articles of the memorandum include the following:

-           Ensure post degree education in organ donation and transplantation for specialists

-           Mutual research in interest projects

-           Participation of Iranian attendances in the International Master Degree in donation and  transplantation of organ, tissues and cells


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  • News code : 2841